Tag Archives: wip

E Gad!

So last night I was buzzing along on my Arch-Shaped socks and I got the part where you begin the arch shaping, well actually it was the final row of the gusset… the set up row!   Round 5!!!  I read it maybe, ummm, 10 times!  Then decided to just jump in. 

OK, things seemed fine and I merrily knit away.  It wasn’t long before I realized I wasn’t making the M1 correctly (a dumb mistake that I know better than to do this) but I did WRONG!  and what happens when you do it wrong?  yep!  holes!  This picture looks like the toe of a sock, but it is the heel!

So why did I keep knitting if I knew it was looking like this?

So why did I keep knitting if I knew it was looking like this?

But Shanda just kept knitting, thinking to myself “I can fix this later”.  I tried them on anyway, and love the way they fit, however holes on the bottom of my foot in my socks is not a good thing.   Did I mention that I was so involved in making these socks I almost forgot to eat dinner… Almost, I said.  I’ll show you the rest of my beautiful sock pictures, so you can see how pretty they are.

  Leg done... still loving the sock.

 Leg Done… still loving this sock.
Inside heel flap done, still feeling the love.

Inside heel flap done, still feeling the love.

Outside heel flap, looking good, and knitting up fast!

Outside heel flap, looking good, and knitting up fast!

What a cute little heel cup!

What a cute little heel cup!

So this brings us to real time.  Time to back up and start this little cutie again at the beginning of the gusset.  One reason I think this will be easy is because I’m at the part where the pattern says I have two choices on how I continue the foot of the sock… and so I say “E GAD”. 
Rick was on duty all night last night and is sleeping so I’m off to the grocery store and then back to do some quiet knitting… or tinking, un-knitting, frogging, whatever! 

10 days…

The count down begins again.  I have only 10 days to knit before I have carpal tunnel surgery on my left hand.  I survived my non-knitting days when I had my right hand done, by reading blogs and many hours on Ravelry!

Well on New Years Day I found the Spring Shawl Surprice (surprise) kal and joined! 

I have now knit the first 12 rows 3 times!!!  (and it’s taken much coffee to do this!)

I love the yarn and love the color, but then I found the Secret of the Stole II kal (from the Nautical Knitter) and joined it too (it begins Jan 18 – the day after surgery – of course!)

So I made an executive decision to switch yarn on these projects.  I’m going to knit my SSS out of the dark red lace yarn I picked up at The Yarn Corner last year when I was getting ready for the MS3 (that I didn’t complete).  And I’m going to use the JaggerSpun Zephyr Wool-Silk 2/18 in suede color for the SOTS ii.  I started the SSS again today and so far so good.  I’m back to row 8 and I’m loving the color.  If you are thinking about joining this KAL you better hurry, she is going to close it on Tuesday the 8th when she posts the 2nd clue.

Other than knitting on my now red shawl today, it started snowing and I have been praying all day that it continues and that we get so much snow that I can’t go to work tomorrow – then I can knit more!  I feel like a kid wanting to stay home from school!

I’ll post more pictures of my SSS in red later this week. 

Have a great week and pray for SNOW!!!