Dip Lady

UPDATE 2010:

Sadly, I will no longer be making dips to sell.  Thank you to everyone that bought dips, and gave me so many ideas.  I will always keep spice mixes of some kind in the kitchen for this and that!

Welcome to my mostly knitting blog. 

I live in Ocean Shores, Washington – a very small mostly tourist and retirement community on the Washington Coast.

I work for Grays Harbor County, as Payroll Administrator.  Lots of paperwork and numbers every day.  Not a lot of freedom for the creative side in me.  (But I do try!)

They call me the Dip Lady, because I make dips… I have created each of the dip recipes I use, I mix them in small batches, created the fun labels for the packages and love meeting people at the craft shows and events I go to.  I love it when someone comes up to me and says “Oh, you’re the Dip Lady! I love your dips.”  I tell everyone that dip mixes are not just for dips… I have a recipe or idea on the inside flap of each mix, and I give out tons of idea and suggestion sheets.  (just email if you want to receive any dip info.) 

ALONG CAME KNITTING!  March 15, 2006 I walked into The Yarn Corner (Aberdeen, WA) and purchased my first knitting needles and yarn for my first project.  My first project was The French Market bag (yes, the one from knitty.com) I went online to learn how to cast on, and then the next day I took my little sample into to work, and we all had a good laugh.  I only wish I would have kept that ugly little mis-shapened swatch.

5 responses to “Dip Lady

  1. I love your blog. Your knitting is gorgeous and your coffee shop is wonderful! How fortunate you are to have one to go to.
    Finish those socks!

  2. Hi,
    I may be in Ocean Shores this coming week….any yarn stores nearby? I see Blue Heron Fabrics listed as fabric and yarn, but with no website, I’m not sure what they would have, hours of operation, etc.

  3. I found your email via your Yarn Map comments abt The Yarn Corner in Aberdeen. You have become a terrific knitter in a very short time–it’s heartening to see new knitters just go for it! Your blog is great and I WANT THAT CAKE. I can’t believe I didn’t go to the chocolate fest! I’m of the actual hippie generation and “live” in OS on the weekends and my husband and I are considering retiring there some day. I am wondering if there is a knitters’ group there.

  4. I am looking for the spinnovation 3 idea book love all the swim suits and want to know where I can get this patterns.


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